Know Before You Go: What to Expect During a Teeth Whitening Session (2024)

Are you considering getting your teeth whitened but aren't sure what to expect? Here's a rundown of the entire teeth whitening process.

Would you love to see your teeth become ten shades whiter in a single afternoon?

Professional teeth whitening offers a chance to remove discoloring caused by living your life and internal stains that no at-home kit can touch.

Whitening your teeth is now more accessible and more effective than before, but if you're used to trying at home kits, you might not know what to expect from a professional cosmetic procedure .

Keep reading to learn how the teeth whitening process works and how to make the most of your appointment.

3 Things to Do Before Your Teeth Whitening Session

Because teeth whitening has been around for a while and is available in your local pharmacy and grocery store, we forget that it's a cosmetic procedure. Although it's not invasive, it does change your teeth.

Before booking your teeth whitening treatment, it is essential to visit your dentist for a check-up , ask for a full clean, and buy desensitizing toothpaste if you have sensitive teeth.

Your check-up will give your dentist time to determine whether their professional treatment is right for your stains. While stains from food, drinks, and tobacco are easily removable, some stains caused by medication or disease require more intense procedures.

By identifying the cause of your stains, your dentist can recommend the best course of action. They'll also save you money if it turns out a professional whitening treatment won't improve the color of your teeth.

While you're there, get a full cleaning. An excellent clean removes the plaque and tartar that builds up in hard to reach places and is hard to remove at home. Tartar, plaque and other sediments impede the impact of the whitening treatment. Clean teeth help you make the most of every session.

Finally, if you have sensitive teeth, invest in some desensitizing toothpaste. Whitening procedures come with a common side effect of teeth and gum and sensitivity. Using a desensitizing toothpaste will mitigate some of the discomforts you would experience otherwise during the treatment.

What Happens at a Professional Teeth Whitening Appointment

The order of events depends on the kind of treatment you selected.

Like many at-home kits, most dentists provide treatment using a hydrogen peroxide gel. Dentists, however, use a much stronger version of the solution that's only suitable for use with professional supervision.

After your dentist calls you back to your chair, they'll examine your teeth quickly to make sure no last-minute issues popped up. Once they're confident you're ready, they start to prepare your mouth for the treatment.

Precautionary Steps Before Treatment

It all begins when your dentist or dental hygienist uses a lip retractor to keep your mouth open wide during the procedure. At the back of the retractor is a section that allows you to bite down and relax your jaw muscles.

They also place gauze in your mouth to keep everything dry.

With a wide-open mouth, the hygienist then sets to work to protect your gums, lips, and inner cheeks.

Your hygienist covers your gums with a rubber dam that they carefully paint on. The dam protects your sensitive gum tissue from the hydrogen peroxide to stop damage and limit sensitivity.

They then wipe your lips and inner cheeks with a muco-protectant gel, which protects your tissues from the peroxide used in the bleaching product. Without the protectant, the whitening gel could burn your lips or cheeks, particularly as the strength of the whitening gel grows.

Beginning Your Tooth Whitening Treatment

With the barriers in place, you're ready to start the bleaching.

One of the ways in-office treatments differs from what you buy at home is the activation of the gel. Your at-home kit will whiten removable stains very gradually. The gel used in a dentist's office pairs with a light or laser to activate and deliver instant results.

Either your hygienist or dentist takes a brush to paint the gel on your teeth. When they finish, they will switch on the light or laser and point it directly at the gel.

You sit under the light for around 20 minutes as the light transforms the oxygen in the gel and causes it to dive deep beneath your enamel to reach your color pigments.

Don't worry if the hygienist walks away for a minute. The light turns off automatically when it's finished.

Continuing Your Treatment

After your 20 minutes is up, the hygienist removes the bleach from your teeth. They then paint on a new coat to prepare you for a second round.

It's likely you'll go through three to four 20 minute rounds throughout your treatment. The exact number depends on the system chosen, the strength of the gel, and the color of your teeth now compared to the shade you want.

FAQs About Your Teeth Whitening Treatment

You will be speechless throughout your treatment, so you won't be able to ask too many questions. We answered some of the most common questions here to help prepare you for your next appointment.

What If My Mouth guard Slips?

If the retractor that holds your mouth open moves or slips out of place, let the hygienist know immediately. They will leave you with a notepad and pencil to help you communicate during the treatment.

Don't try to talk or move the retractor on your own. It could move some of the protective coatings or impact your treatment.

What If My Teeth Become Very Sensitive?

In some cases, patients find the sensitivity of their teeth becomes too much for them to continue to handle.

While your dentist will already have tried to mitigate the problem with toothpaste and a less abrasive gel, it still happens.

If it becomes too much, inform the hygienist. They will cut your treatment down to an appropriate number of rounds.

Can I Eat or Drink After My Treatment?

Yes, but avoid anything known for its bright color . Skip any coffee, tea, red wine, and pigmented fruits and vegetables like beets and tomatoes for 24 hours.

Are You Ready for Whiter Teeth?

Professional teeth whitening is faster and easier than at home kits, and it tackles stains those strips can't touch.

Will our teeth whitening treatment work for you? Get in touch for a free consultation to learn more about our approach to cosmetic dentistry.

Know Before You Go: What to Expect During a Teeth Whitening Session (2024)


What to expect during a teeth whitening session? ›

The dentist first covers the gums around your teeth with a substance to shield them from the whitening process. They will then apply a powerful whitening gel containing a type of hydrogen peroxide on the teeth. Afterward, a special light or laser triggers the gel to hasten the bleaching process.

How do you prepare for a teeth whitening session? ›

Eating: Make sure you eat prior to your teeth whitening treatment. This is because you must wait for at least one hour after the treatment before you eat or drink anything, besides water. Dental Cleaning: To ensure the best results, make sure that you've had a dental cleaning within 6 months of your treatment.

What are the precautions before teeth whitening? ›

We actually recommend that you eat shortly before your appointment, as you won't be able to eat during your whitening treatment. Since eating softens enamel, however, try to eat at least 30 minutes before your appointment starts and make sure to floss and brush your teeth very well before you leave for our office.

What are the dos and don'ts during teeth whitening? ›

Don't Consume Foods that Can Stain Your Teeth

For both over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening, the first few days after treatment are the most critical. Avoid dark foods/liquids, drink through a straw when you can, don't smoke, brush/floss frequently and you should be looking great.

What to expect after a teeth whitening treatment? ›

Your teeth will be sensitive after the whitening procedure. You should generally avoid meals that are either too hot or too cold. Buying toothpaste designed especially for sensitive teeth will help to reduce potential discomfort. It is advisable to avoid eating the wrong foods or drinks as much as possible.

How long does a whitening session take? ›

The answer is somewhere around one hour. This is a minimal amount of time for someone to expect professional whitening results, especially when considering that professional in-office whitening can last upwards of two years.

How long to wait to brush your teeth after teeth whitening? ›

Immediate Aftercare: Wait for at least an hour after the whitening procedure before brushing. This time allows your enamel to recover without causing any sensitivity. First 24 Hours: For the initial hours after whitening, avoid brushing to give your teeth time to settle.

Do I brush my teeth after whitening? ›

As for whether you should brush your teeth after using whitening strips, there is no definitive answer. While some experts recommend brushing immediately after removing the strips to ensure all residue is removed, others advise waiting for 30 minutes to allow the enamel to rehydrate and minimize potential abrasion.

When is the best time to whiten your teeth? ›

Out dentist in Clermont recommends using the whitening trays at night before you go to bed. This is because the teeth have pores, and when you apply a whitening gel to your teeth, those pores open very slightly. While they are open, your teeth are at an increased risk for staining if you eat or drink.

Why can't you drink water after teeth whitening? ›

After you whiten your teeth with Philips Sonicare teeth whitening products, acidic or staining foods and drinks are more easily absorbed by your teeth. This can lead to discoloration, and this why it is advised to wait 30 minutes after whitening before eating or drinking.

How long should I be careful after teeth whitening? ›

By following a strict diet 48 hours after whitening, you can reduce potential staining to your teeth during this period. This diet will also help lessen the potential level of discomfort you may feel in your gums.

Should I rinse my mouth after whitening? ›

Rinse With Water Immediately After Eating Or Drinking

One of the most important things you can do after a teeth whitening session is to rinse your mouth with water immediately after eating or drinking.

What teeth Cannot be whitened? ›

Teeth that have yellowed with age

Dentin is naturally yellowish and cannot be lightened with teeth whitening products.

Who Cannot get teeth whitening? ›

Your dentist will advise you whether whitening is right for you. It may be that teeth whitening isn't suitable, for example if you have gum disease or crowns.

Why can't you drink coffee after teeth whitening? ›

Dentists advise patients to reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, and to avoid smoking or any other habit that may cause the teeth to stain, particularly after bleaching treatment, because some studies have reported that bleaching agents can alter the texture and morphology of the enamel surface.

How long does it take to recover from teeth whitening? ›

Further, your gums may sting or appear slightly discolored for a few hours after the treatment. But, there is no need to get panic. This discomfort will disappear shortly, and you will get healed in 1-2 days following the Teeth Whitening Treatment in Pasadena.

How painful is teeth whitening? ›

With proper care and precaution, patients should not feel pain during teeth whitening procedures. In some cases, tooth sensitivity or gum irritation can occur when the bleaching solution is applied for too long.

What is the recovery time for teeth whitening? ›

It's important to note that while the pores in your teeth should be back to their normal size after 48 hours, you can extend your caution for a full week in order to ensure that your teeth whitening procedure achieves the best possible results.

How long do your teeth hurt after whitening? ›

Teeth sensitivity after a professional whitening treatment can last a few days or weeks, or up to several months after. The length of your potential teeth sensitivity all depends on you and your unique case.

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