High Purity U 46619 | CAS:56985-40-1 Guaranteed by HPLC,NMR,MS for Research Use (2024)

Potentiation of adrenaline vasoconstrictor response by sub-threshold concentrations of U-46619 in human umbilical vein: involvement of smooth muscle prostanoid TP(alpha) receptor isoform.[Pubmed:17362923]

Eur J Pharmacol. 2007 May 21;562(3):227-35.

Considering the potential physiological, pharmacological and therapeutic relevance of synergistic interaction of thromboxane A(2) with adrenaline at postjunctional receptor sites, we examined whether sub-threshold concentrations of thromboxane A(2) mimetic U-46619 (9,11-dideoxy-9alpha, 11alpha-methanoepoxy prostaglandin F(2alpha)) could amplify adrenaline-induced contraction in human umbilical vein. The receptor involved in U-46619-induced potentiation of adrenaline contractility was also investigated. Umbilical cords (n=125) from healthy patients after full-term vagin*l or caesarean deliveries were employed. The vein was dissected out of cords and rings used for isolated organ bath experiments or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot. Presence of endothelium did not modify U-46619-induced contraction in human umbilical vein. Prostanoid TP-selective receptor antagonist, SQ-29548 (7-[3-[[2-[(phenylamino)carbonyl]hydrazino]methyl]-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl]- [1S(1alpha,2alpha(Z),3alpha,4alpha)]-5-Heptenoic acid), inhibited U-46619-induced contraction (pA(2)=8.22+/-0.11). U-46619 sub-threshold concentrations (0.1-0.3 nM) potentiated adrenaline-vasoconstriction response in a concentration-dependent manner. SQ-29548 (0.1 microM) abolished this potentiation. Using RT-PCR, we found that human umbilical vein rings with or without endothelium express the prostanoid TP(alpha), but not the prostanoid TP(beta) receptor isoform. Western blot allowed the identification of proteins with an electrophoretic mobility (47- and 55-kDa) indistinguishable from human platelet prostanoid TP receptor, a rich source of prostanoid TP(alpha) receptor isoform. Collectively, present results demonstrate that prostanoid TP(alpha) is the major receptor isoform localized on smooth muscle cells which participate in both direct vasoconstriction and potentiating effects of U-46619 on adrenaline contractions in human umbilical vein. These results suggest that thromboxane A(2) may interact synergistically with adrenaline in pathophysiological situations that lead to an increase of its umbilical venous levels (e.g. preeclampsia associated with fetal distress) raising the possibility of vasoconstriction affecting fetal blood flow.

Activation of the central cholinergic system mediates the reversal of hypotension by centrally administrated U-46619, a thromboxane A2 analog, in hemorrhaged rats.[Pubmed:16962568]

Brain Res. 2006 Nov 6;1118(1):43-51.

In the present study, we investigated the role of the central cholinergic system in mediating the pressor effect of intracerebroventricularly administrated U-46619, a thromboxane A2 (TxA2) analog, in hemorrhaged hypotensive rats. Hemorrhage was performed by withdrawing a total volume of 2.1 ml of blood per 100 g body weight over a period of 10 min. Intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of U-46619 (0.5, 1, 2 micro g) produced a dose- and time-dependent increase in arterial pressure and reversed the hypotension of this condition. Hemorrhage caused small increases in extracellular hypothalamic acetylcholine and choline levels. Intracerebroventricular administration of U-46619 (1 micro g) further increased the levels of extracellular acetylcholine and choline by 57% and 41%, respectively. Pretreatment with SQ-29548 (8 mug; i.c.v.), a selective TxA2 receptor antagonist, completely abrogated the effects of subsequent injection of U-46619 (1 mug; i.c.v.) on arterial pressure and extracellular acetylcholine and choline levels. Pretreatment with mecamylamine (50 micro g; i.c.v.), a cholinergic nonselective nicotinic receptor antagonist, attenuated the pressor effect of U-46619 (1 micro g, i.c.v.) in hemorrhaged rats whereas pretreatment with atropine (10 micro g; i.c.v.), a cholinergic nonselective muscarinic receptor antagonist, had no effect. Interestingly, pretreatment of rats with methyllycaconitine (10 micro g; i.c.v.) or alpha-bungarotoxin (10 micro g; i.c.v.), selective antagonists of alpha-7 subtype nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (alpha7nAChRs), partially abolished the pressor effect of U-46619 (1 micro g; i.c.v.) in the hypotensive condition. Pretreatment with a combination of mecamylamine plus methyllycaconitine or mecamylamine plus alpha-bungarotoxin attenuated the reversal effect of U-46619, but only to the same extent as pretreatment with either antagonist alone. In conclusion, i.c.v. administration of U-46619 restores arterial pressure and increases posterior hypothalamic acetylcholine and choline levels by activating central TxA2 receptors in hemorrhaged hypotensive rats. The activation of central nicotinic cholinergic receptors, predominantly alpha7nAChRs, partially acts as a mediator in the pressor responses to i.c.v. injection of U-46619 under these conditions.

Effects of BM-573, a thromboxane A2 modulator on systemic hemodynamics perturbations induced by U-46619 in the pig.[Pubmed:16303607]

Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2005 Dec;78(1-4):82-95.

The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) agonist, U-46619, on systemic circulatory parameters in the pigs before and after administration of a novel TXA2 receptor antagonist and synthase inhibitor (BM-573). Twelve anesthetized pigs were randomly assigned in two groups: in Ago group (n=6), the animals received six consecutive injections of U-46619 at 30 min interval, while in Anta group (n=6) they received an increasing dosage regimen of BM-573 10 min before each U-46619 injection. The effects of each dose of BM-573 on ex vivo platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, collagen or ADP were also evaluated. Vascular properties such as characteristic impedance, peripheral resistance, compliance, arterial elastance were estimated using a windkessel model. Intravenous injections of 0.500 mg/ml of BM-573 and higher doses resulted in a complete inhibition of platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid. In the same conditions, BM-573 completely blocked the increase of arterial elastance, and stabilized both mean aortic blood pressure and mean systemic blood flow. In conclusion, BM-573 could therefore be a promising therapeutic approach in pathophysiological states where TXA2 plays a main role in the increase of vascular resistance like in pathologies such as systemic hypertension.

Inhibition of 2-arachidonoylglycerol catabolism modulates vasoconstriction of rat middle cerebral artery by the thromboxane mimetic, U-46619.[Pubmed:17891162]

Br J Pharmacol. 2007 Nov;152(5):691-8.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cerebrovascular smooth muscle cells express the CB1 cannabinoid receptor and CB1 agonists produce vasodilatation of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The thromboxane A2 mimetic, U-46619, increased the content of the endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in the MCA and 2-AG moderated the vasoconstriction produced by U46619 in this tissue. The purposes of this study were to examine the extent to which 2-AG is catabolized by cerebral arteries and to determine whether blockade of 2-AG inactivation potentiates its feedback inhibition of U-44619-mediated vasoconstriction. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: The diameters of isolated, perfused MCA from male rats were measured using videomicroscopy. KEY RESULTS: Exogenous 2-AG produces a CB1 receptor-dependent and concentration-related increase in the diameter of MCA constricted with 5-HT. The E (max) for 2-AG dilation is increased 4-fold in the presence of the metabolic inhibitors 3-(decylthio)-1,1,1-trifluropropan-2-one (DETFP), URB754 and URB597. To examine the role of catabolism in the effects of endogenous 2-AG, vasoconstriction induced by U-46619 was studied. DETFP and URB754, but not the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor, URB597, significantly increased the EC(50) for U-46619. These data support a physiological role for endocannabinoid feedback inhibition in the effects of U-46619 and indicate that endogenously produced 2-AG is also efficiently catabolized within the MCA. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: MCA express mechanisms for the efficient inactivation of 2-AG, providing further support for an endocannabinoid feedback mechanism that opposes thromboxane-mediated vasoconstriction. These data suggest that potentiation of endogenously produced 2-AG could be a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of thrombotic stroke.

Regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase cascades by alpha- and beta-isoforms of the human thromboxane A(2) receptor.[Pubmed:11901221]

Mol Pharmacol. 2002 Apr;61(4):817-31.

Thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)) stimulates mitogenic growth of vascular smooth muscle. In humans, TXA(2) signals through two TXA(2) receptor (TP) isoforms, termed TPalpha and TPbeta. To investigate the mechanism of TXA(2)-mediated mitogenesis, regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling was examined in human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably overexpressing the individual TP isoforms. The TXA(2) mimetic 9,11-dideoxy-9alpha,11alpha-methano epoxy prostaglandin F(2alpha) (U46619) elicited concentration- and time-dependent activation of ERK1 and -2 through both TPs with maximal TPalpha- and TPbeta-mediated ERK activation observed after 10 and 5 min, respectively. U46619-mediated ERK activation was inhibited by the TP antagonist [1S-[1alpha,2beta-(5Z)-3beta,4alpha-]]-7-[3-[[2-(phenylamino)carbonyl]hydrazine] methyl]-7-oxabicyclo[-2,2,1-]hept-2yl]-5-heptenoic acid (SQ29,548), and by the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor 2'-amino-3'-methoxyflavone (PD 98059). Although ERK activation through TPalpha was dependent on 2-[1-(dimethylaminopropyl)-1H-indol-3-yl]-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)-maleimide (GF 109203X)-sensitive protein kinase (PK) Cs, ERK activation through TPbeta was only partially dependent on PKCs. ERK activation through both TPalpha and TPbeta was dependent on PKA and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) class 1(A), but not class 1(B), and was modulated by Harvey-Ras, A-Raf, c-Raf, and Rap1B/B-Raf and also involved transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. Additionally, PKB/Akt was activated through TPalpha and TPbeta in a PI3K-dependent manner. In conclusion, we have defined the key components of TXA(2)-mediated ERK signaling and have established that both TPalpha and TPbeta are involved. TXA(2)-mediated ERK activation through the TPs is a complex event involving PKC-, PKA-, and PI3K-dependent mechanisms in addition to transactivation of the EGF receptor. TPalpha and TPbeta mediate ERK activation through similar mechanisms, although the time frame for maximal ERK activation and PKC dependence differs.

Receptor-mediated effects of a PGH2 analogue (U 46619) on human platelets.[Pubmed:3688248]

Am J Physiol. 1987 Nov;253(5 Pt 2):H1035-43.

The specific effects of U 46619 (9,11-dideoxy,9 alpha-11 alpha-methanoepoxyprostaglandin F2 alpha), thromboxane A2-prostaglandin H2 (TxA2/PGH2) analogue, on human platelet shape change, myosin light-chain phosphorylation, serotonin release, fibrinogen receptor exposure, and platelet aggregation were measured and compared with binding of [3H]U 46619 to platelets. Shape change and myosin light-chain phosphorylation were found to be saturable and dose dependent, having effective concentration producing 50% of the maximum response (EC50) values of 0.035 +/- 0.005 and 0.057 +/- 0.021 microM, respectively (mean +/- SE). These two effects were competitively inhibited by specific antagonists of TxA2/PGH2 receptors (BM 13177, PTA-OH, and 1.PTA-OH) indicating that they are receptor mediated. Binding of [3H]U 46619 showed two components. Occupancy of high-affinity binding sites [dissociation constant (Kd) = 0.041 +/- 0.009 microM, maximum binding site (Bmax) = 19.4 +/- 5.3 fmol/10(7) platelets, with 1,166 +/- 310 sites/platelet; n = 12] correlated with platelet shape change and myosin light-chain phosphorylation. We propose that a second component with an apparent Kd of 1.46 +/- 0.47 microM (n = 12) represents a second, low-affinity site. Mean EC50 values for U 46619-induced serotonin release, platelet aggregation, and fibrinogen receptor exposure were 0.54 +/- 0.13. 1.31 +/- 0.34 and 0.53 +/- 0.21 microM, respectively. Therefore, the platelet release reaction was not directly correlated with occupancy of high-affinity receptors but could be related to the second binding component of U 46619. Fibrinogen receptor exposure and platelet aggregation caused by U 46619 appeared to be events mediated by the release of adenosine diphosphate from platelet-dense granules.

Comparison of the actions of U-46619, a prostaglandin H2-analogue, with those of prostaglandin H2 and thromboxane A2 on some isolated smooth muscle preparations.[Pubmed:7248665]

Br J Pharmacol. 1981 Jul;73(3):773-8.

1 The actions of the prostaglandin H2 (PGH2) analogue, U-46619, have been compared with those of PGH2 on thromboxane A2 (TxA2) on a range of isolated smooth muscle preparations in a superfusion cascade system. 2 U-46619 was a potent agonist on guinea-pig lung strip, dog saphenous vein and rat and rabbit aortae. In contrast, U-46619 was weak or inactive on guinea-pig ileum and fundic strip, cat trachea and dog and cat iris sphincter muscles, preparations on which either PGE2 or PGF2 alpha was the most potent agonist studied. 3 PGH2 was active on all of the preparations and displayed little selectivity. On some of the preparations, the actions of PGH2 may have been mediated indirectly by conversion to other prostanoids. 4 In contrast, TxA2 displayed the same pattern of selectivity as U-46619, being a potent agonist on the lung strip and vascular preparations but weak or inactive on the others. 5 It is suggested that U-46619 is a selective TxA2-mimetic and that it should therefore be a valuable tool in the study of the actions of TxA2.

High Purity U 46619 | CAS:56985-40-1 Guaranteed by HPLC,NMR,MS for Research Use (2024)
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