Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (2024)

You love good bread, and who doesn’t? Adopting a gluten-free and lectin-light diet doesn’t mean you will never have bread again. There are many healthy and delicious ways to make bread, and I’m sharing my favorite gluten-free, lectin-free bread recipes I’ve created in the past five years.

Morning bread rolls, flatbread, hamburger buns, and tortillas are all part of my diet, and they are enjoyed equally by myself and by members of my family who don’t even follow a specific diet. They love them and sometimes prefer them to the usual bread.

And more recently, I have developed a great lectin-free sourdough method, so if you are into making sourdough, artisan bread at home, now it’s possible.

Lectins vs. Gluten

Lectins are sugar-binding proteins in many staple foods like grains, beans, and nightshades. They are part of a plant’s natural defense against microorganisms, insects, and predators like humans. According to Dr. Steven Gundry, when lectins stick together, they can become quite problematic for human health.

Gluten is one type of lectin that gets more buzz than any other lectins, mainly because they have been studied more, and their effect on our health is better understood.

Because gluten is better understood, many people have adopted gluten-free lifestyles. However, gluten-free products are often very heavy in other lectins, making them even more problematic.

So, everything that is lectin-free is also gluten-free, but everything gluten-free is not necessarily lectin-free; on the contrary.

For more details on what gluten-free flour is also lectin-free, check my Quick Guide to Lectin-Free, Gluten-Free Flours.

And if you want to read more about the 4 gluten-free grains that are also lectin-free and gut healthy, see my article The 4 Gut-Healthy, Lectin-Free and Gluten-Free Grains.

15 Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread Recipes that are easy, delicious, and nutritionally dense

All the below recipes are both gluten-free and lectin-free and are made with wholesome, healthy, and balanced mixes of ingredients.

Pure starches such as arrowroot flour and tapioca flour give better results in lectin-free baking. However, I am not using them as the main ingredients because they still have a high glycemic index and are not nutritionally dense.

There is diversity in this list, with egg-free, dairy-free, and nut-free options, with or without yeast, made with different types of flour, and usually from a nutritionally dense mix of ingredients. So you will not just eat empty calories. They are all pretty easy to make and can be batch-cooked and frozen.

Lectin-free and gluten-free sourdough bread

Ever wondered if you could bake artisanal lectin-free sourdough bread in your own kitchen? With the right blend of teff, millet, and sorghum flour, and a few more ingredients, it’s not only possible but also incredibly rewarding.

Check out my sourdough method with the ‘Beginner’s Guide to Baking Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread,’ which offers a detailed walkthrough of the entire process. From creating your starter to baking your first loaf, this guide is designed to demystify gluten-free sourdough baking and ignite your passion for this artisan craft.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the world of sourdough, I hope this guide inspires you to embark on your own baking adventure, crafting delicious, healthy bread right at home.

These are a few examples of bread you can make with my sourdough method:

  • Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Recipe With Sorghum and Millet (Lectin-Free)
  • Guten-Free Sourdough Focaccia (Lectin-Free)
  • Rustic Sourdough Rolls With Teff, Millet, and Sorghum (Lectin-Free)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (1)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (2)

And if you are not ready yet for the sourdough adventure, you still have plenty of options below to make lectin-free bread that is delicious and nutritious.

Sorghum Bread Rolls (Lectin-Free, Gluten-Free, Vegan)

I created this sorghum bread recipe in Denmark for a quick and satisfying breakfast, inspired by the famous Danish breakfast buns, ‘rundstykker’.

These sorghum morning bread rolls are perfect straight from the oven, are easy to make and freeze, and are super delicious.

Warm them, slice them transversely, and dress them with butter, hazelnut paste, and fresh fruits, or use it as toast topped with avocado, egg, or chicken salad. The possibilities are endless.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (3)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (4)

Lectin-Free Hamburger Buns (Nut-Free, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free)

In search of delicious and easy-to-make lectin-free hamburger buns, or dinner rolls, that are also nut-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free? Search no more. This multi-purpose dough is versatile; you can make flatbread, pita bread, or pizza crust. Some readers even made a loaf out of it.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (5)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (6)

Lectin-Free Pita Bread

This awesome lectin-free pita recipe was created using the same dough as the Hamburger Buns. I love to use it for Mediterranean-inspired recipes, like this Chicken Gyros Pita Platter.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (7)

Easy Keto Bread Rolls with Walnuts

These delicious keto bread rolls with walnuts are the perfect gluten-free and lectin-free option for anyone looking for a healthy alternative to traditional bread.

Made with nutrient-rich walnuts and a handful of other wholesome ingredients, these bread rolls are not only easy to make, but they also taste amazing.

Whether on a keto diet or simply looking for a healthier bread option, these walnut bread rolls are the perfect addition to your meals.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (8)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (9)

Gluten-Free Flatbread with Sorghum and Green Plantain

Who doesn’t love a gluten-free flatbread that is easy to make, nutritious, and looks and tastes like regular bread?

This version of gluten-free flatbread is made with green plantain, sorghum flour, and extra virgin olive oil. Add fenugreek for extra flavor.It pairs well with curries and any stew-like dishes, but you can use it any way you want.

This lectin-free flatbread made with green plantains and sorghum is easy to make and roll out, easy to cook, and stays soft and pliable even after one day on the counter. But I don’t promise you it will last that long, because it is also delicious.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (10)

Green Cassava Flour Tortillas

These lectin-free, green cassava flour tortillas are based on myeasy cassava tortillasrecipe.

Here, the pop of green is added by using blanched stinging nettles, but spinach can also be used. These green cassava tortillas are the perfect pop of green for all your spring and summer meals.

And you can also use them to make tortilla chips. You cut them into triangles, drizzle with olive oil and bake them until crispy.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (11)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (12)

Walnut Millet Bread

Whether you have it in a sweet or savory combo, this fake cornbread is a delicious and comforting addition to your meals. I even think that’s better than the real cornbread, but I might be biased.

Millet is the ancient grain used to make bread and polenta before the introduction of corn in Europe, so I don’t know who’s the fake and the real one here? Try it, and you won’t regret it.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (13)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (14)

Easy Cassava Flour Tortillas

These cassava tortillas are very easy to make. They only include four ingredients, if you count water and salt, they are pliable and delicious and can be stored and reheated in many ways.

You can make tacos, burritos, tortillas, and tortilla wraps, or even use them as a base for a mini pizza or flatbread.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (15)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (16)

Low-Carb Coconut Flour Tortillas (Vegan)

These low-carb coconut flour tortillas are soft, flexible, and sturdy, perfect for holding your favorite fillings without tearing.

Crafted with coconut flour, and a handful of nutritious ingredients like golden flax seeds and hemp flour, these vegan keto tortillas are gluten-free, lectin-free, and have no gums added. And they are so easy to make, you have no excuse not to try them.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (17)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (18)

Homemade Bread Thins

If you are looking for an everyday bread alternative that is gluten-free, lectin-free, and vegan, look no further. These homemade bread thins are so easy to make and require no yeast.

Made with wholesome ingredients like sweet potatoes, cassava, almond flour, and healthy seeds and spices, these bread thins are not only a great replacement for your toast, but they are nutritious and super flavorful.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (19)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (20)

Pao de Beijo – Vegan Sweet Potato Snack Bread

Shared with me by my sweet Brazilian friend Luana, living in Paris, this vegan sweet potato snack bread hits all the right spots when you are craving bread. It’s crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside, and tastes like soft pretzels to me.

While dairy-free, lectin-free, and gluten-free, this recipe is a dream come true because it’s also low-histamine (you might need to skip the turmeric and add rosemary). It goes with everything, anytime.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (21)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (22)

Auntie Jovita’s Brazilian Cheese Bread

I remember the first time I had Brazilian cheese bread, Pao de Queijo. It was at a Churrasco restaurant in Dubai. I ate so much that I could barely have any meat after. They were so good.

Since they are originally made withcassava flour and easy to make Plant Paradox compliant, I’ve been contemplating making them for a long time. Still, I’ve always been intimidated by the recipes that seem rather complicated.

Well, what I have here is a treasure because it is absolutely delicious, it takes 10 minutes to put together, and the recipe comes straight from Brazil. You guessed, from Auntie Jovita.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (23)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (24)

Rosemary and Chocolate Bread with Avocado and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A rosemary and chocolate bread loaded with polyphenols, healthy fats, and prebiotics is what you get when mixing rosemary, dark chocolate, avocados,extra virgin olive oil, marine collagen, coconut flour, and tigernut flour.

This is an excellent grain-free, healthy, lectin-free bread for late breakfast or brunch, with coffee or tea, served with a compliant cheese board and olive oil dip. Take it with you to work for an afternoon snack. It can also replace one meal. It is pretty good-looking if you want to impress your guests.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (25)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (26)

Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Zucchini Bread (Lectin-Light)

Are you on a lectin-light and sugar-free diet and don’t know if you can eat zucchini bread again? Please allow me to be the bearer of good news: you can eat zucchini if you remove the peels and seeds where the lectins are.

This gluten-free, sugar-free zucchini bread was a hit with all my family members, none of which eats a lectin-free, gluten-free, or lectin-free diet.

This cake is surprisingly sweet, even when not using any sweetener. The tigernut and chestnut flours add the natural sweetness, but even the almond flour and pecans are naturally sweet.

This zucchini bread is delicious, full of flavor, and despite having more of a dense consistency, it has a light bite. It feels light and refreshing, especially if eaten the second day from the fridge.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (27)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (28)

Lectin-Free Mini Irish Soda Bread

This lectin-free soda bread is good warm, out of the oven, with a bit of butter or even nut butter. Makes a perfect breakfast on special occasions, like St. Patrick’s Day, of course.

It’s also easy to make and doesn’t require unusual ingredients, and these are usually ingredients that every lectin-free foodie has in their pantry.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (29)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (30)

From my Cookbook: Teff-Hazelnut Bread & Wholesome Rosemary Bread Rolls

These are two of my favorite ever gluten-free, lectin-free bread recipes, which you find in my book – The Living Well Without Lectins Cookbook.

The Teff-Hazelnut Bread has a rye bread-like texture, only better tasting and lighter. The Rosemary Dinner Rolls are so easy to put together, and the dough is so versatile: you can use it to make pizza crust, and you can even fill the rolls with mixes of vegetables or meat.

They are both vegan, so eggs- and dairy-free.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (31)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (32)

GundryMD Multi-Purpose Bread Mix

If you still haven’t found what you were looking for, there is another option. You could buy a lectin-free ready-made mix of dry ingredients and follow the recipe on the package.

Gundry MD Multi-Purpose Bread Mix is a convenient, versatile way to make everything from hamburgers and sandwiches to rustic baguettes and cinnamon rolls. You will get more than 30% off and save up to $36.00 when buying 3 bags or more ofGundry MD Multi-purpose bread mix in my Ambassador store.

Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (33)
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (34)

And for a similar style of bread, but made from scratch, you could try Lectin-Free Wife’s Sandwich Bread Recipe, made from scratch.

I hope you love having so many options for gluten-free, lectin-free bread recipes.

Please comment if you have any questions, need help, or make any of these recipes.

*This post contains affiliated links, which means I get a small commission if you choose to purchase something via one of my links, at no extra cost to you.
Gluten-Free, Lectin-Free Bread: 15+ Delicious and Easy Recipes (2024)


What bread is gluten-free and lectin-free? ›

  • Judee's Gluten FreeJudee's Gluten Free.
  • Ketonia.
  • GoNanas.
  • Tastefully Simple.
  • Simple Mills.
  • Angelic Bakehouse.
  • Rabbit Creek.

What type of bread does Dr Gundry recommend? ›

There's a bread out there that you can have as much as you want. It's called the Barely Bread and comes with a nod of approval from well-known American heart surgeon Steven Gundry, who has created its recipe. He believes it's the best bread one can have. It contains no grains and is lectin- and gluten-free.

Is sourdough bread full of lectins? ›

The short answer is yes; regular sourdough bread, made with wheat flour or rye flour, has lectins.

What are the 4 grains without lectins? ›

Millet, Fonio, Sorghum, and Teff – The 4 Lectin-Free and Gluten-Free Grains. Before we get an overview of each of these four grains, this is what's generally common about millet, fonio, sorghum, and teff: They are ancient grains, originating in Africa.

Which bread has the lowest lectins? ›

That's another reason why sourdough bread is a better option than 100% whole grain for anyone with a sensitive stomach, IBS or digestive issues. It's very low in both fibre and lectins.

Is Ezekiel bread full of lectins? ›

Sprouted grains, which is the category Ezekiel Bread falls under, are usually considered be a healthier option but still can be a problem. Sprouted whole wheat contain the highest amount of lectin and also contain benzoxazinoids, which are known to be toxic.

What is the one food Dr Gundry says to avoid? ›

Dr. Gundry specifically recommends pressure-cooking dry beans to eliminate lectins. Eliminate foods high in lectins. These foods include legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, certain meats, and sugary snacks.

Does Ezekiel bread have lectins? ›

Ezekiel, Essene and Manna breads are made from 100% sprouted grains, as opposed to all other commercially available sprouted grain breads which also have regular flour included in the recipe. The lectins in many grains are contained in the seed coat.

Does baking destroy lectins in bread? ›

In most cases, cooking these foods with “wet” heat, such as stewing, boiling, cooking in sauce, or mixing into dough and baking, breaks down lectins to negligible levels. Simply avoid eating raw legumes, grains, or potatoes, and eat these foods cooked instead.

Is multigrain bread high in lectins? ›

Lectins are found in all foods, but wheat and other whole grains have the highest concentrations. The current belief is that whole grain bread is good because it contains fibre, minerals and B vitamins, but when you eat grains and seeds intact, you are eating the outer shell of the grain that holds all the lectins!

Is Rice high in lectins? ›

Which foods are high in lectins? Lectin-containing foods include nightshades, like tomatoes and potatoes; vegetables with seeds, like squash and cucumbers; grains including wheat, rice, and oats; and legumes, including non-pressure-cooked beans, split peas, and lentils.

What cheese is lectin free? ›

Mozzarella + Parmesan Dr. Gundry is very specific about which dairy products are allowed. Lo and behold, two the most important(?) cheeses are lectin-free.

What are the symptoms of too much lectin? ›

The Problem With Lectins

They contain phytohaemagglutinin, a type of lectin that can cause red blood cells to clump together. It can also produce nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, and diarrhea. [2] Milder side effects include bloating and gas.

What foods are gluten and lectin-free? ›

There are three ancient grains that are lectin-free and gluten free: Sorghum, Millet, and Teff. These crops are common food staples for people in Africa and Asia.

Is gluten free bread OK for leaky gut? ›

Currently, no solid evidence supports the idea that gluten increases intestinal permeability or causes leaky gut in healthy people. If you have symptoms of gluten sensitivity, it may be beneficial to remove gluten from your diet. You can read more about eating gluten-free here.

Is Ezekiel bread lectin-free? ›

Sprouted grains, which is the category Ezekiel Bread falls under, are usually considered be a healthier option but still can be a problem. Sprouted whole wheat contain the highest amount of lectin and also contain benzoxazinoids, which are known to be toxic.

Does all bread have lectins? ›

Lectins are found in all foods, but wheat and other whole grains have the highest concentrations. The current belief is that whole grain bread is good because it contains fibre, minerals and B vitamins, but when you eat grains and seeds intact, you are eating the outer shell of the grain that holds all the lectins!

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.