Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (2024)

Create and download your free e-signature

An online signature generator/maker is a tool that helps you create an online signature. eSignatures are a fast and easy way to sign contracts and legal documents.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (1)

Draw your signature

Go artistic. Use your mouse or trackpad to make a statement.

Draw your signature

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (2)

Type your signature

So many choices. Type your name and choose the font that best matches your personality.

Type your signature

Need a document signed?

Try out Signaturely

What does your signature
say about you?

Even though there’s no formal science around signature analysis, we can confidently say that your signature and handwriting is a statement of your personality. After all, no one in the world has the same signature as yours.

Let’s see what your signature might say about you by analyzing different traits and taking a look at the signatures (and calligraphy styles) of some of the most successful business men and women in history.

Your personality based on signature traits

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (3)

Unreadable letters

Clever, mental agility

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (4)

Easy to read

Transparent personality

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (5)

Clear first name, unreadable last name


Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (6)

With underline

Proud and vain

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (7)

Ends with a flick

Energetic, a go-getter

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (8)

Upward angle

Ambitious and optimist

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (12)

Initials only

Mysterious aura

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (13)

Bold capitals


Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (14)

No last name

Relaxed, friendly

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (15)

Large letters

Likes to be the center of attention

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (16)

Embellished letters

Embellished letters

The signatures of successful
business people

Draw your signature and find who’s your closest match.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (17)

Steve Jobs


Ambitious and always focused on the future. His signature shows strong vision.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (18)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (19)

Oprah Winfrey

Harpo Productions

Self-confident. Has a sharp mind and a strong voice that loves public debate

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (20)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (21)

Richard Branson

Virgin Group

Someone that knows how to stay calm and won’t cave under pressure. Logical, pragmatic mind.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (22)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (23)

William Hewlett


The missing dot on the ‘i’ shows a focus on the broader picture instead of the smaller details.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (24)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (25)

David Packard


Optimistic and self-confident, with healthy ego strengths and a strong character.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (26)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (27)

Steve Wozniak


Quirky and independent. Likes to keep things casual and friendly.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (28)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (29)

Jeff Bezos


Values moments of introspection and “me-time”. A true believer that always shoots for the stars.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (30)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (31)

Mary Barra

General Motors

Appreciates having their own space and not being pushed by others. Shows depth of character.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (32)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (33)

Mark Cuban

Dallas Mavericks

Proud of their own achievements. Someone that will always push forward, never feeling defeated.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (34)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (35)

Barbara Corcoran

The Corcoran Group

An illegible signature suggests a person that wants to remain private and protective of the ones closest to them.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (36)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (37)

Mark Zuckerberg


Values moments of introspection and “me-time”. A true believer that always shoots for the stars.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (38)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (39)

Warren Buffett

Berkshire Hathaway

Appreciates having their own space and not being pushed by others. Shows depth of character.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (40)

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (41)

Bill Gates


A determined character with both feet on the ground. Modest and balanced, even in a positionof power.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (42)

Ready to create your online signature?

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (43)

Draw your signature

Go artistic. Use your mouse or trackpad to make a statement.

Draw your signature

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (44)

Type your signature

So many choices. Type your name and choose the font that best matches your personality.

Type your signature

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions around eSignatures

A signature generator (or signature maker/signature creator) is an online tool you can use to create an online signature to sign documents. You can draw or type your signature, customize it to make it unique, and download it to sign digital documents.

Absolutely not. Any signature created on this page through our signature generator is not saved on our servers. We won’t save a record of your signature (or document) or share it with others.

eSignatures are perfectly legal across the world and different industries. Although they’re created through an online signature generator, they work just as “wet ink” signatures on paper and can be used in court and legal processes. Learn more about eSignatures here.

Yes, you can. Sign as many documents as you need and your signature will be legally binding. You can use your downloaded signature to sign your own documents or documents you are requested to sign by others. Use our signature generator to sign any kind of document such as contracts, forms, proposals, Word documents, PDFs and more. It’s easier than ever to add a signature to any kind of document.

eSignatures work the same as handwritten signatures on paper. They have the same legal validity and format as a regular signature as well. You can use eSignatures to sign documents on the web from businesses all over the world, without printing a single sheet of paper. All you have to do is to use the signature generator and create your eSignature with the tool.

No need to keep a paper record if you are using a signature maker software like Signaturely as a way to save and track your documents. Signaturely automates digital records for your documents, which you can use for legal and compliance issues. If you use our tool you don’t even have to use your email client (such as Gmail or Outlook) anymore to send out any signature requests. This can be all done within a tool like Signaturely.

If you haven’t yet developed your own signature, start by deciding what you want your signature to convey and let your creativity flow. If you already have an established signature and are signing a physical document, it’s important that your signature remains consistent with your ID and other important documents. It also makes sense for your signature to resemble your name when signing paper documents. This is because handwritten signatures don’t include the verification features of an electronic signature, such as public and private keys. Electronic signatures aren’t just easy to make; their enhanced security also allows for more flexibility when it comes to the look of your signature.

You can transform your written signature into an image with a scanner or a scanner app for your smartphone. Start by writing your signature on a blank piece of paper and scanning it. You can make the signature image crisper by boosting brightness and contrast. This will make the background a solid white and your signature more defined.

You can add a virtual signature to digital documents by adding signature fields. These fields allow your document to capture a digital signature, usually recording relevant information (like the date, device, location, etc.) and locking the document to prevent further changes.

Once you have a document with signature fields, you can add your virtual signature to it or send it to other users to their virtual signatures.

Creating your electronic signature is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Signaturely’s free Online Signature Generator.
  2. Select between typing or drawing your signature.
  3. Customize your font, lines, and colors.
  4. Save your signature for future use.

You can create a digital signature by scanning your written signature, thereby converting it into an image. You can also use solutions like Signaturely’s free Online Signature Generator/Creator. There, you can draw or type a digital signature and personalize it to suit your taste.

A signature is a unique and distinctive way to record a person’s agreement to a contract, letter, or other documents. Although signatures usually resemble the individual’s name, they can be any mark or sign—as long as there’s a way to certify that the signature belongs to the signee.

Sign 1 documents for free

Replace manual signatures — sign documents online

Join millions of professionals and business owners that sign their documents on their computers and phones, with eSignatures.

Free Online Signature Generator (Type or Draw) | Signaturely (2024)


How can I make my handwritten signature online for free? ›

You can use Sign.Plus' free online signature tool to create a handwritten signature by either typing or drawing your electronic signature. You can then pick a color and chose a font for your signature and save it as a PNG in your folder.

Can I create my own digital signature free? ›

Use the PDF eSign tool to create your electronic signature online for free. No account is needed to create signatures and sign documents. You can electronically sign documents at any time with our free Smallpdf signature tool, or our newest signature tool at

How do I make a good signature for my name for free? ›

With ContractSafe's digital signature generator, you can create your own personal sign-off in just five simple steps:
  1. Choose whether you want to sign with your mouse or type your name.
  2. Type or draw your name.
  3. Click the "Download" button.
  4. Save to your computer.
  5. Upload the signature to your e-documents.

Can you draw a signature online? ›

Sign.Plus' free signature maker tool allows you to create and draw your own custom signature in just a few steps. Thanks to our user-friendly interface you are able to create a handwritten signature to your liking.

Is there a free signature app? ›

Acrobat Sign mobile app is a free app for Android or iOS devices that works as a mobile companion to Acrobat Sign digital signature solutions. The app lets you conduct complete business transactions on the go. With it, you can send, sign, track, and manage signed documents from your iOS or Android device.

Can an online signature be typed? ›

Valid, and probably acceptable, electronic signatures, include a person: Typing their name into a contract or email that includes the agreement's terms; Electronically pasting their signature, e.g. a . jpg or .

How do I do an electronic signature for free? ›

Sign PDFs for free with DocuSign eSignature.
  1. Create a free DocuSign eSignature account.
  2. Select “Start now”.
  3. Upload a PDF document that you want to sign.
  4. Check the “I'm the only signer” box.
  5. Click “Sign.”
  6. Drag and drop your signature from the left-hand navigation panel.
  7. Click Finish.

What is the easiest way to create a digital signature? ›

Creating a digital signature is easy
  1. Upload your document into the electronic signature application, such as our DocuSign eSignature application.
  2. Drag in the signature, text and date fields where the recipient needs to take action.
  3. Click send.

How do I create a transparent signature for free? ›

Just follow these steps to receive a transparent version of your handwritten signature in seconds:
  1. Head to
  2. Select Draw signature. ...
  3. Create your signature using your mouse or trackpad. ...
  4. When you're happy with the result, click Download signature to download your new transparent background signature.

How do I create a unique handwritten signature? ›

Write your name on a piece of paper to start, and then gradually start to build your distinctive writing style. To create a signature you like, try out various font types, letter sizes, and shapes. Practice signing your name until you feel at ease and it flows naturally.

How do I create my own signature? ›

How to write a signature
  1. Decide what you want your signature to convey. ...
  2. Analyze the letters in your name. ...
  3. Determine what parts of your name you want to include. ...
  4. Experiment with different styles. ...
  5. Think outside of the box. ...
  6. Choose your favorite signature.
Sep 27, 2023

How do I get a unique signature of my name? ›

You can make your signature unique through the letters you chose to include or the way you write them — or both! If your name is Jane Cook, for example, you might choose between J Cook or Jane C, and then add some artistic flair to your signature with a large J, swirl on the K, or by underlining your signature.

Is there a free online signature? ›

DocuSign offers a free electronic signature tool for electronically signing documents on practically any device.

How can I make my handwritten signature online? ›

To get a new, online handwritten signature, here's what you need to do:
  1. Head over to CreateMySignature;
  2. Select “Draw Signature”;
  3. Use your touchscreen or mouse to draw a new signature;
  4. Select “Save” to save your signature;
  5. Select “Download” to download your signature image.
Mar 25, 2024

How do I create a custom handwritten signature? ›

You can add your handwritten signature online in 3 simple steps:
  1. Go to a handwritten signature generator and upload your file.
  2. Create your signature by drawing, typing, or uploading an image of your wet signature.
  3. Add your signature to the document and complete the signing process.

How do I create a free hand signature in PDF? ›

Open the PDF document or form that you want to sign. Click the Sign icon in the toolbar. Alternatively, you can choose Tools > Fill & Sign. Once the Fill & Sign tool is open, you can choose to sign yourself or request e-signatures.

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Article information

Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

Last Updated:

Views: 6546

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.