Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (2024)

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Emily Medlock

Emily has thousands of hours clocked in survival games, from ARK: Survival Evolved to 7 Days to Die; she loves the diversity of the genre. Initially skeptical about the theme of Conan Exiles, she quickly became addicted to the game and now recommends it to every survival fanatic she meets. Right now, she's probably in the Tundra on a seemingly endless quest to find a Baby Sabertooth.

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  • Why a Secret Base?
  • Top Secret Base Locations on the Exiled Lands
  • Any Jungle Tree
  • Dream Spot
    • Base Spot
  • Protected by Barracks, Ceiling Base
    • Base Spot
  • Slave Way Tower
    • Base Spot
  • Ruins of Nebthu
    • Base Spot
  • Pirate Cove
    • Base Spot
  • Hanging Base
    • Base Spot
  • Tower Top
    • Base Spot
  • Island Base
    • Map Spot
  • Heliograph Heights
    • Map Spot
  • Westwatch Tower
    • Map Spot
  • The Dam
    • Map Spot
  • Other Side of the Dam
    • Map Spot
  • Inside Volcano
    • Map Spot
  • Beginner
    • Map Spot
  • Frost Cave
    • Map Spot
  • FAQs
    • Question: What is the Best Secret Base Biome in Conan Exiles?
    • Question: Is Using Base Locations You Have to Die to Get To Bannable?
    • Question: Is Building Near the Green Wall Dangerous?
  • Finding a Secret Base Location
    • Related Read

The best Conan Exiles secret base locations are perfect for PvP. They give you a safe place to spawn and store your most prized possessions. Without a base, life in Conan Exiles is quite difficult.

However, finding that perfect spot for a base is also difficult, which is why so many people put it off for far too long. I know that I tend to wait until I’m already established in my not-so-great starter base before I set up camp in a more desirable location. I suggest not doing this and instead finding your forever home as soon as possible. Even if it is a secret nook.

Why a Secret Base?

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (3)

Secret bases in PvE are pointless in Conan Exiles. So as a PvE main player, I keep my base out in the open. Large PvP servers aren’t for me, though I can have fun with a small RP PvP server.

In these cases, I normally play a rogue character who hides in a secret base location. So this works out well for me from a tactical and roleplaying aspect. But even if you’re not roleplaying, hiding your stuff and spawn point is so beneficial.

Top Secret Base Locations on the Exiled Lands

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (4)

There are hundreds of tiny spots and hidden spots alike where you can hide your secret headquarters. Some are meant for solo players while others are grand enough, yet still secret enough, for large clans.

So whenever you build your base, you must consider your clan, your server, and the aesthetic you want (if you care about that.) No two clans will have the exact same taste, but most of these are suitable for anyone looking for a hidden base spot.

Any Jungle Tree

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (5)

I’m going to start with this concept because it’s so vast, and there are so many options that even if someone “steals” your spot, you can find another. So I suggest scouting a bit before choosing a tree.

This could be a fun Lost Boys clan spot with tiny bases all over the jungle. I love treehouses so this is a win for me, but I’m afraid I’d get too carried away and the location would be far from hidden by the time I got done.

Dream Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (6)

To reach this spot, head to the Boulevard of the North Star in the swamp. Then walk towards Mire of Eternal Dreams. Right between the two, there’s a cliff without a lot of traffic and a small curved tunnel that creates an illusion, making it difficult to see.

If someone happens to walk that way, you will be spotted. But if you make sure you leave a small base here near the inside edge, then you will be well hidden. Whenever you get strong enough guards to defend your base, then you can expand.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (7)

Protected by Barracks, Ceiling Base

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (8)

This is my favorite hidden base location. It’s super small, but it is so hard to find that after I heard about it, it took me a few minutes to find it, knowing what I was looking for. You will have to climb to get there, but that makes it even better for hiding.

Because this spot was shared in multiple YouTube videos, it has now become a hotspot for hidden bases. So be careful when you check for inhabitants and don’t take anything valuable with you on the first trip.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (9)

Slave Way Tower

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (10)

There are a lot of good places on the Slave Way to build. There are nooks and crannies throughout that you are unlikely to get spotted in. But I chose to feature the towers, which are more popular but should work well in smaller PvP servers.

There are also plenty of small man-made tunnels you can block off with strong walls. There are just so many places in this area that no one is going to bother with exploring every crevice.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (11)

Ruins of Nebthu

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (12)

This is a risky spot because it is a key location for the Conan Exiles storyline. However, if you do it right, people will be so distracted by their journey that they won’t notice you as they rush through.

In fact, this is one of the best offensive base spots because there is traffic. You can camp above and wait for passersby if you have the time. If not, then rest easy knowing that you’re unlikely to get spotted.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (13)

Pirate Cove

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (14)

This is a good location that is semi-popular. Thankfully, there are a few small tunnels in this area, giving you plenty of room and options. With such good access to the Black Galleon, you will have a perfect place to farm thralls.

Speaking of the Black Galleon, you can also build underneath it near where a recipe can be found. It’s popular because the recipe is there but it takes climbing to get to, so not many people know about it.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (15)

Hanging Base

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (16)

This is an average location with a ton of options nearby. You can use anywhere in this canyon to build your base hanging above the ground. Make sure you build it in a place you can climb to. For hanging bases like this, I suggest maxing your stamina and pushing your limits so fewer people can reach it.

I think a fun concept is to have your clan take individual hanging bases far enough apart that invaders won’t see them all. Then whenever you get attacked, your guards (or yourself if nearby) can jump out and the invaders will realize their mistake.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (17)

Tower Top

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (18)

If you can reach the top of these towers, your base should be well protected. There’s a lot of room to build here, especially if you use more than one tower. I suggest building your base short so no one can see it from the ground.

Otherwise, they may get curious and raid it. There isn’t quite enough room here for a large clan, but for a medium to smaller, you should be fine. You have more freedom to build risky with a medium clan than when you’re on your own.

Base Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (19)

Island Base

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (20)

Any of the islands that you can still build on in the far east will make it difficult for raiders to bother you. It’s not just a long trip over there, but you have to swim and it’s right up against the green wall. The tall islands are better than the low ones, but you can no longer build on most of them.

But if you find a low spot really close to the green wall, you’ve got it made. It’s hard to see over there from the shore and it’s no Heliograph Heights, so most people don’t care about the location.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (21)

Heliograph Heights

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (22)

This is an example of a tall island base. It’s one of the prettiest base spots in the game with enough room for a large clan if you count all of the levels. But beware, a lot of people have their eye on this spot.

It works best for large clans for that reason. So that you can have enough resources and players to ward off unwanted visitors, because if you have this base, you will be raided.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (23)

Westwatch Tower

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (24)

A lot of people are skeptical about building in ruins and towers because they believe too many people will try the same thing. But trust me, this is such a journey to get to that unless someone is looking for trouble, they won’t venture this far up.

There are plenty of tower bases but this one has a good amount of room, decent access to resources, and it’s one of the most well-hidden. So it works as a main base or as an extra spawn.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (25)

The Dam

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (26)

This is another risky spot because it’s popular and has a lot of traffic. But if you do it right, you will have the high ground and a good amount of space to build your sanctuary. I love this area in any server but prefer to build near the pine trees in PvE.

It’s hard to find a nice PvP spot with good green grass in Conan Exiles. That’s one of my favorite parts about this one. There’s also good water access which is rare. So all around, this spot is fantastic.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (27)

Other Side of the Dam

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (28)

Though I don’t like the looks as much, this is a safer place to build than the flat area. It gives you less freedom, but more room for creativity and is well hidden. Not many people climb this far up.

There are a lot of places to stop off while you’re climbing so you don’t have to worry about running out of stamina. The view here is also great so if you like tower bases, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (29)

Inside Volcano

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (30)

If you’re paranoid in PvP Conan Exiles, then this is the best spot for you. Maybe not this exact spot, but anywhere near the east green wall in the volcano will be so far out of the way, no one will bother you.

You do have to make sure you find a spot that you can climb to even without armor or climbing equipment. Though if you do find a spot that’s a little too high, you can put a box of climbing stuff hidden below.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (31)


Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (32)

If you’re paranoid but also a beginner and can’t get to the volcano, this is a scary place you can make your base with surprisingly a lot of space. It’s super close to the starting area and is in an area no one will look.

I wouldn’t live here for long because I don’t like living near the green wall, but it is one of the safest base spots in the game. Not only is it near the green wall in an unassuming place, but it’s also in a crevice so you can’t see it unless you’re right above it.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (33)

Frost Cave

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (34)

The frost cave is becoming more popular as time goes on, but there’s a chance no one has taken it. The cave is just south of the volcano so you have access to both the snow and the volcano.

I suggest blocking off the entrances and/or building a ceiling base in this one. There is plenty of room here so you shouldn’t have trouble even if this is your main base with a workshop. But you do want to protect it well if you decide to expand.

Map Spot

Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (35)


Question: What is the Best Secret Base Biome in Conan Exiles?

Answer: The jungle. You can hide on top of many trees, and most people will never think to look up. Of course, there are plenty of places in ever biome, but the jungle has the most nooks and crannies.

Question: Is Using Base Locations You Have to Die to Get To Bannable?

Answer: No. At least not on official servers. Because, 99% of the time, it is not against the rules or Code of Conduct to do something that the game allows you to do as long as it is not harassing someone else. Exploits are frowned upon but generally acceptable.

Question: Is Building Near the Green Wall Dangerous?

Answer: Yes, it can be, which is what makes it a good secret base location. People won’t go near it most of the time and if they do, they are being careful enough that they probably won’t notice, or bother with, bases there.

Finding a Secret Base Location

The best way to find a secret base location is to discover it yourself. Because the lists you find online will be used by many, you may find that the “secret” location is no longer a secret.

When that happens, I suggest finding a spot that you can’t find online. I’ve seen many players comment on videos that they are glad their spot isn’t in the video. So by far the best place you can build your secret base…is a truly secret location.

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Best Conan Exiles Secret Base Locations - For PvP Play - Conan Fanatics (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.